
Waldorf Petroleum Resources Limited has the responsibility for leading and managing decommissioning operations for the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) Southern North Sea (SNS) assets Wenlock, Garrow, Kilmar, and Helvellyn.

An overview of the assets and plans for decommissioning are outlined below


Wenlock was first discovered in 1974 and located in block 49/12 A within UKCS SNS Basin. A three slot Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI) was installed in 2006 comprising Topsides (Weight: 435 Te) and Jacket (Weight: 645 Te) in a depth of 25 m of water. Production commenced in 2007 and was ongoing until wells were shut in and production ceased in November 2022.  The pipelines have been cleaned and positively isolated in 2022. Plans to progress decommissioning activities are underway with focus on wells P&A and delivering platform into “Lighthouse Mode”.   


The Garrow field was first discovered in 1991 and is located within blocks 42/25a and 43/21a within UKCS SNS Basin, located 88km northeast of the Dimlington Gas Terminal (DGT). In 2006 a 2 slot Normally Unattended Installation (NUI) was installed comprising Topsides (Weight :415Te) and Jacket (Weight:1030Te) in a depth of 53 m. Production commenced in 2007 from G1 well with G2 well online in 2009. Gas was exported to Bacton Gas terminal via Kilmar and Trent platforms and Esmond Transmission pipeline system. Production ceased in June 2020. Plans to progress decommissioning activities are underway with focus on wells P&A and delivering platform into “Lighthouse Mode”.         


The Kilmar field was discovered in 1992 and is located within block 43/22a in SNS basin, located 112 km east of Dimlington Gas Terminal (DGT). In 2005 a 3 slot Normally Unattended Installation (NUI) was installed comprising Topsides (Weight:450Te) and Jacket (Weight :1425Te) in a depth of 55m. Production commenced in 2006. Gas was exported to Bacton Gas Terminal via the Trent platform and Esmond Transmission pipeline system. Production ceased in June 2020. Plans to progress decommissioning activities are underway with focus on wells P&A and delivering platform into “Lighthouse Mode”. 


The Helvellyn field is located in block 47/10a within UKCS SNS, 48km east of the DGT. It comprises of a single subsea well completed with a subsea production xmas tree, protected by a Wellhead Protection Structure (WHPS) in a water depth of 29m. Production commenced in 2004 and gas was exported through an 8“ pipeline via the Amethyst platform and onwards to the DGT. Production ceased in January 2017 and the pipeline and umbilical have been cleaned and positively isolated in 2022. Plans to progress the decommissioning activities are underway with the focus on well P&A.

Please email for any decommissioning enquires.

Garrow Decommissioning ProgrammesDownload
Garrow Pipelines Comparative AssessmentDownload
Garrow Environmental AppraisalDownload
Helvellyn combined Decommissioning ProgrammesDownload
Helvellyn Pipelines Comparative AssessmentDownload
Helvellyn Environmental AppraisalDownload
Wenlock Decommissioning ProgrammesDownload
Wenlock Pipelines Comparative AssessmentDownload
Wenlock Environmental AppraisalDownload