6 February 2025
Waldorf Production UK plc – Corporate and Financial Update
Waldorf Production UK plc (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the issuance of a practice statement letter (the “PSL”) in connection with a proposed financial restructuring of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) (the “Restructuring”). The PSL constitutes formal notice to the holders of the Bonds and other affected creditors of the Company of its intention to implement the Restructuring by way of a restructuring plan under Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006.
The Company, in its capacity as issuer of senior secured bonds with ISIN NO0011100935 and super senior bonds with ISIN NO0013280206 (together, the “Bonds”), has also entered into a lock-up agreement (the “Lock-Up Agreement”) with, amongst others, a steering committee of certain holders of the Bonds (the “SteerCo”) representing approximately 84% of the outstanding principal amount thereof. Under the terms of the Lock-Up Agreement, the parties thereto have agreed to cooperate with a view to implementing the Restructuring.
The execution of the Lock-Up Agreement and the issuance of the PSL represent positive steps forward for the implementation of the Restructuring and the long-term future of the Company, with the Restructuring providing a solution to address certain liabilities of the Company and to give it a more appropriate debt service and maturity profile for its business.
No liabilities owed by the Company or any member of the Group pursuant to any joint operating agreement or decommissioning security agreement are intended to be compromised as part of the Restructuring. The Company intends that all of its operating creditors will continue to be paid in the ordinary course of its business.
Further details on the Restructuring and the proposed terms are contained in the PSL, which the holders of the Bonds and other affected creditors are encouraged to review.
The Company is targeting a completion date for the Restructuring as soon as possible, and no later than May 2025. The Company will continue working with all relevant key stakeholders with a view to completing the Restructuring as soon as possible.
Further announcements and updates will be provided to investors in due course.
For further information, please contact:
Interpath Ltd
Matthew Little, Luke Wiseman
Tel. +44 (0)20 3989 2800
White & Case LLP
Christian Pilkington, Will Stoner
Tel. +44 (0)20 7532 1000
Email w&
26 November 2024
Result of Written Resolution
Waldorf Production UK plc and Waldorf Energy Finance plc
Reference is made to the announcements by Waldorf Energy Finance plc (“WEF”) and Waldorf Production UK plc (“WPUK”) on 11 November 2024 regarding the request for consent from the relevant groups of bondholders for the up to USD 15 million intra-group loan using existing group funds from WPUK to Waldorf CNS (I) Limited and a short-term waiver of the minimum liquidity covenants under WPUK’s bond issue Waldorf Production UK plc Senior Secured Bond Issue 2021/2025 with ISIN NO0011100935 (together with ISIN NO0013280206, the “WPUK Bonds”) and WEF’s bond issue Waldorf Energy Finance plc Senior Secured Bond Issue 2023/2026 with ISIN NO0012847674, ISIN NO0013255489 and ISIN NO0013255497 (the “WEF Bonds”).
The relevant group of bondholders for the WPUK Bonds and WEF Bonds have today given their consent to the waiver request as further specified in the attached notices from written resolutions.
20241126 – WPUK – Result from written resolution.pdf
20241126 – WEF – Result from written resolution.pdf
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO
Tel. +44 1224 202850
11 November 2024
Summons for a Written Resolution
Waldorf Production UK plc and Waldorf Energy Finance plc
Reference is made to the announcements by Waldorf Production UK plc (the “Company”) (the Company together with the wider Waldorf group as the “Group”) and Waldorf Energy Finance plc (“WEF”) on 27 June 2024 regarding a refinancing of the Company’s bond issue Waldorf Production UK plc Senior Secured Bond Issue 2021/2025 with ISIN NO0011100935 (together with ISIN NO0013280206, the “WPUK Bonds”), proposed new liquidity funding under the WPUK Bonds and a proposed forbearance agreement with the bondholders under WEF’s bond issue Waldorf Energy Finance plc Senior Secured Bond Issue 2023/2026 with ISIN NO0012847674, ISIN NO0013255489 and ISIN NO0013255497 (the “WEF Bonds”) (together, the “Refinancing”) and the announcements by the Company and WEF on 24 July 2024 confirming that the Refinancing had completed.
Whilst the Refinancing put the main operating companies of the Group on a stable financial footing for a 12 month period, its terms included tight controls on the Group’s ability to manage its cash on an intragroup basis.
Since that time, delayed start-ups from planned shutdowns for certain assets and lower than anticipated oil prices have led to reduced Group revenues during H2 2024. As of 7 November 2024, year to date average Group production stood at c.19.5k boepd.
In the ordinary course of business, the Group is required to make decommissioning postings towards the end of the fiscal year, with any related refunds due being payable after the fiscal year end in Q1 of the following year. As part of these decommissioning postings, the net additional cash collateralisation required under the Group’s decommissioning and other cost security agreements (“Postings”) has increased, largely due to higher than expected abandonment cost estimates.
Due to a timing mismatch for certain of the Group’s entities’ Postings, there is currently a need to put in place a USD 15 million intra-group loan using existing group funds from the Company to Waldorf CNS (I) Limited (“WPUK Loan”), both of which are indirect subsidiaries of the Company’s ultimate parent, Waldorf Production Limited (“WPL”).
The terms of the current WPUK Bonds and the WEF Bonds restrict such intragroup movement of cash within the Group and in order to allow the Group to efficiently manage its group cash to align with certain decommissioning liabilities, the Company is now seeking the required consents to effect such intercompany loan.
To further support liquidity, the Group is in discussions with relevant joint venture partners to defer some Postings (due mainly in late November) to better align with the DSA refunds expected to be received in February.
The Company and WEF are seeking consent from the relevant groups of bondholders for:
– the WPUK Loan; and
– a short-term waiver of the minimum liquidity covenants under WPUK Bonds and the WEF Bonds.
As at the date of these summons, the Group has already received support for these amendments from 85% of bondholders of the WPUK Bonds and 33% of the bondholders of the WEF Bonds.
Reference is also made to the announcements by the Company and WEF on 4 June 2024 regarding the appointment of joint administrators of Waldorf Energy Partners Limited and WPL (the “Joint Administrators”). Further information about the plans which the Joint Administrators have for WPL can be found at
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, Chief Financial Officer Tel. +44 1224 202850
20 September 2024
Successful listing of bond issue
Waldorf Production UK plc (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully listed the bonds under its 13.00% Senior Secured USD 53,706,770 Bonds 2024/2025 ISIN NO0013280206 on Nordic ABM as of today.
For further information, please contact: Aaditya Chintalapati, Chief Financial Officer, Tel: +44 1224 202850
24 July 2024
Refinancing Completed
Waldorf Production UK plc and Waldorf Energy Finance plc
Reference is made to the announcements by Waldorf Production UK plc (“WPUK“) and Waldorf Energy Finance plc (“WEF“) on 27 June 2024 regarding a refinancing of WPUK’s bond issue Waldorf Production UK plc Senior Secured Bond Issue 2021/2025 with ISIN NO0011100935 (the “WPUK Bonds“), proposed new liquidity funding under the WPUK Bonds and a proposed forbearance agreement with the bondholders under WEF’s bond issue Waldorf Energy Finance plc Senior Secured Bond Issue 2023/2026 with ISIN NO0012847674, ISIN NO0013255489 and ISIN NO0013255497 (the “WEF Bonds“) (together, the “Refinancing“).
Reference is further made to the announcements by WEF on 28 June 2024 and 12 July 2024 regarding written resolutions adopted in the WEF Bonds to approve the transactions necessary to complete the Refinancing.
We are pleased to announce that the Refinancing has completed.
The Refinancing allows WPUK to continue with its ordinary course trading and places each of WPUK and the other primary producing operating companies in the Waldorf Group on a stable footing going forward.
We would again like to thank all of our stakeholders for their continued support and cooperation during this time and look forward to continuing to work closely with them in the future. For further information, please contact Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO, Tel +44 (0)1224 202850.
28 June 2024
Corporate and Financial Update
Waldorf Production announces $75m refinancing of 2021/2024 Bond Issuance including agreement of new approximately $23m liquidity facility and proposed forbearance agreement with 2023/2026 Bondholders
Further to the Corporate and Financial Updates dated 15 April 2024, 22 May 2024 and 4 June 2024, Waldorf Production UK plc (the “Company”) hereby provides the following further corporate and financial update.
As disclosed in previous updates, the Company (and the wider Waldorf group (the “Group”)) have been pursuing options to address their ongoing liquidity challenges.
The Company can now announce that following constructive discussions with the creditors of the Group, commercial terms have been agreed with certain holders of the 12.00% Senior Secured USD 200,000,000 Bonds 2023/2026 issued by Waldorf Energy Finance plc (“WEF”) with ISIN NO0012847674 (the “WEF Bonds”) (the “WEF Bond Ad Hoc Group”).
Refinancing terms for WPUK Bonds
The terms agreed with the WEF Bond Ad Hoc Group set out that they will provide the Company with funding to fully refinance the remaining approximately $52m of the Company’s existing liabilities under the 9.75% Senior Secured USD 300,000,000 Bonds 2021/24 issued by the Company with ISIN NO0011100935 (the “WPUK Bonds”), with the refinancing to take place on or around 1 July 2024 (the “Refinancing”).
The principal terms of the Refinancing are as follows:
(i) the WPUK Bonds will be recalled by the Company and reissued to the WEF Bond Ad Hoc Group;
(ii) as a result, all existing holders of the WPUK Bonds will receive full payment of all outstanding principal and interest in accordance with the terms of the WPUK Bonds;
(iii) immediately upon the WPUK Bonds being issued to the WEF Bond Ad Hoc Group, the terms of the WPUK Bonds will be amended such that:
(a) the maturity date of the WPUK Bonds will be extended to September 2025;
(b) the WPUK Bonds will no longer amortise but will be repayable in full by way of a bullet redemption payment on maturity;
(c) the interest rate will be set at 13%, payable quarterly in cash;
(d) the current Events of Default are waived; and
(e) the other material commercial terms and legal covenants of the WPUK Bonds will remain largely unaffected.
New liquidity funding under WPUK Bonds
In addition, and conditional on agreement by the requisite majority of holders of the WEF Bonds (see further below), the WEF Bond Ad Hoc Group have agreed to backstop approximately $23,000,000 new money funding (the “New Money Funding”) to the Company to provide additional working capital and ensure that the Company is sufficiently funded.
The New Money Funding will be provided by way of a tap issuance of the WPUK Bonds and will constitute an additional issuance of bonds thereunder, with such bonds ranking equally with, and sharing the same terms as, the existing WPUK Bonds.
In consideration for the New Money Funding and the reprofiling of the WPUK Bonds, $30,000,000 of the WEF Bonds held by the WEF Bondholders who provide the New Money Funding will be exchanged for new WPUK Bonds, to rank equally with, and sharing the same terms as, the existing WPUK Bonds (these new bonds, alongside the bonds issued in respect of the New Money Funding, the “WPUK New Money Bonds”).
WEF Bond Consent Request
In order to implement the New Money Funding on the basis outlined above, WEF will shortly issue a consent request summons to the holders of the WEF Bonds, which will seek consent for certain amendments in relation to the proposed New Money Facility.
As part of this consent request, all holders of the WEF Bonds will be given the opportunity to participate in their pro rata share of the Refinancing and New Money Funding and to become holders of the WPUK Bonds alongside the WEF Bond Ad Hoc Group.
Outlook for the Company
Following receipt of the New Money Funding and completion of the reprofiling of the payment obligations under the WEF Bonds and WPUK Bonds, each of the Company and the other primary producing operating companies of the Group are forecast to have sufficient liquidity to meeting their operating and tax liabilities as they fall due over the coming 12 months assuming an oil price in line with the current forward curve.
Additionally, the Company is in discussions to put in place a new working capital facility (the previous working capital facility with Barclays Bank plc having fallen away) and anticipates a new facility to be in place shortly (although the Company would note that it anticipates having adequate liquidity even in the absence of such replacement working capital facility).
Once implemented, the Refinancing and New Money Funding will therefore allow the Company to continue with its ordinary course trading and place each of the Company and the other primary producing operating companies in the Group on a stable footing going forward.
The Company would like to thank all of its stakeholders for their continued support and cooperation during the recent liquidity challenges, and looks forward to continuing to work closely with them following implementation of this transaction.
We will provide further updates to the market as appropriate.
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO
Tel. +44 1224 202850
Any bondholders who would like to speak to the advisers to the WEF Bonds are encouraged to contact:
DC Advisory
Justin Holland, Managing Director
Brad Knutson, Executive Director
Milbank LLP
Nick Dunstone, Partner
Advokatfirmaet BAHR AS
Magnus Tønseth, Partner
04 June 2024
Corporate and Financial Update
Waldorf Production UK PLC and Waldorf Energy Finance PLC
Further to the Corporate and Financial Updates dated 15 April 2024 and 22 May 2024, Waldorf Production UK plc (“WPUK”) and Waldorf Energy Finance plc (“WEF”) (WPUK and WEF collectively as the “Companies”) hereby provide the following further corporate and financial update.
As disclosed in the previous updates, the Companies (and the wider Waldorf group (the “Group”)) have been pursuing options to address their ongoing liquidity challenges.
Although discussions with key stakeholders are ongoing:
- WPUK confirms that an event of default has arisen under the 9.75% Senior Secured USD 300,000,000 Bonds 2021/2024 issued by WPUK with ISIN NO0011100935 (the “WPUK Bonds“) due to failure to deliver annual financial statement within four months after the end of the financial year; and
- WEF confirms that the following events of default have arisen under the 12.00% Senior Secured USD 200,000,000 Bonds 2023/2026 issued by WEF with ISIN NO0012847674 (the “WEF Bonds“):
- non-payment of US$23.25m amortisation and interest payment due on 3 June 2024; and
- failure to deliver annual financial statement within four months after the end of the financial year.
The Companies further update that their ultimate parent company, Waldorf Energy Partners Limited (“WEPL“), has today taken steps to file for administration in England, and that WPUK’s indirect parent company, Waldorf Production Limited (“WPL“ and, together with WEPL, the “Holdcos“) has announced its intention to appoint administrators. Partners from Interpath Advisory will be appointed as administrators to WEPL and will also be the proposed administrators for WPL.
As a result of the above steps taken by WPL, a cross default has also occurred under the WPUK Bonds in respect of a guarantee granted by the WPUK’s direct parent company, Waldorf Acquisition Co Ltd, in connection with the WEF Bonds. The above steps taken by WPL also constitute additional events of default under the WEF Bonds including a cross default in respect of the WPUK Bonds.
The Holdcos have filed for administration on the basis that their financial situation (which includes material unsecured liabilities to creditors in respect of deferred and contingent consideration under historic sale and purchase agreements) is no longer considered by the directors of those companies to allow them to continue as a going concern.
All stakeholders should be aware that neither of the Companies nor any of the operating subsidiaries in the Group (including the licensee companies) are filing for administration, and the directors of all such companies expect them to continue as a going concern while ongoing liquidity discussions continue.
The Companies and their respective management will be looking to progress discussions with holders of the WPUK Bonds and the WEF Bonds on an urgent basis in order to explain their expectations for the Group and the steps that are proposed to be taken to best protect the interests of creditors.
We will provide further updates to the market as appropriate.
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO Tel. +44 1224 202850
19 December 2023
Settlement of Capricorn earn-out and divestment of Columbus field
Waldorf Production UK PLC (“WPUK”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Capricorn Energy plc (“Capricorn”) for the full and final settlement of the earn-out consideration related to the acquisition of the Catcher and Kraken fields from Capricorn in 2021 (the “Capricorn Settlement”).
Aaditya Chintalapati, Chief Financial Officer, commented:
“The Capricorn Settlement represents a significant milestone for Waldorf. Through the agreement, we have improved our liquidity position by around USD 50 million. This, together with the MOL deferral, will enable us to comfortably meet our near-term liquidity requirements, stay in compliance with bond covenants and strengthen our ability to pursue acquisition of further UK production where we continue to benefit from our substantial tax losses. The Capricorn Settlement is expected to result in significantly higher operating cash flow during 2024-25 whilst also providing us with increased exposure to both higher oil prices and any additional production from the Catcher and Kraken fields.”
The Capricorn Settlement
As part of the acquisition of the Catcher and Kraken fields from Capricorn in 2021, Capricorn is entitled to an uncapped contingent consideration dependent on oil prices and production performance from the Catcher and Kraken fields from 2021 to the end of 2025 with WPUK effectively paying any taxes related to the contingent consideration (the “Capricorn Earn-out”). Based on realized oil prices and production from the Catcher and Kraken fields year to date and expected oil prices and production from the Catcher and Kraken fields for the rest of the year 2023, WPUK estimates the Capricorn Earn-out payment for 2023 payable in March 2024 to be around USD 50 million with further payments expected for years 2024 and 2025.
Under the Capricorn Settlement, WPUK has agreed a full and final settlement of the Capricorn Earn-out, whereby Capricorn has waived any future claims against WPUK related to the Capricorn Earn-out in return for the following consideration to be provided by WPUK:
- USD 48 million to be paid immediately. This is funded using the USD 48 million restricted cash provided to Capricorn as security for Kraken FPSO charter payments (the “USD 48 million Restricted Cash Release”). Following the release of the USD 48 million of restricted cash, there will be no further requirement for WPUK to maintain cash collateral and/or alternative collateral instruments related to the Kraken FPSO charter payments.
- USD 2 million in cash to be paid on 1 April 2024.
- USD 22.5 million in cash to be paid on 3 January 2025.
- Transfer of WPUK’s 25% working interest in the Columbus field with an effective date of 1 January 2024 (the “Columbus Divestment”).
Through the USD 48 million Restricted Cash Release and the Columbus Divestment, WPUK is able to fund the majority of the Capricorn Settlement without using any of WPUK’s unrestricted cash, with the balance of the Capricorn Settlement to be financed through its 2024 cash flow. Furthermore, the Capricorn Settlement provides WPUK with increased exposure to both higher oil prices and any additional production from the Catcher and Kraken fields during 2024-25.
If the Columbus Divestment does not complete within nine months, WPUK shall pay Capricorn USD 7 million in cash instead of transferring its interest in Columbus. Considering the net proceeds from WPUK’s divestments are below the threshold of USD 10 million, the Columbus Divestment will not trigger any redemption of WPUK’s outstanding bonds. Similarly, no put option will be triggered under the bonds issued by Waldorf Energy Finance Plc.
The MOL Deferral
Waldorf Production Limited has also entered into an agreement with MNS Oil & Gas B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of MOL Plc., for the deferral of payments due in December 2023 and February 2024 related to the acquisition of MOL’s UK business in 2022. The terms of the agreement are confidential.
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement was published by Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO on the date and the time referred to above.
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO Tel. +44 1224 202850
2nd November 2023
Portfolio Update
Waldorf Production Limited (“Waldorf” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement to divest its business in the US to an undisclosed buyer (the “US Transaction”).
The US Transaction, which was completed upon signing, has an effective date of 1 July 2023. The divestment results in a country exit from the US for Waldorf.
The US Transaction is structured as an asset sale from Waldorf Production US, LLC, a company that is indirectly owned 51% by Waldorf and 49% by Waldorf Production UK Plc (“WPUK”). Financial terms of the US Transaction are confidential. The net proceeds from the US Transaction will be split according to the relative ownership and applied in accordance with the bond terms under the bonds issued by WPUK and Waldorf Energy Finance Plc (“WEF”), whereof approximately USD 2.6 million will be pledged and blocked as security for the bondholders under the WEF bond with such funds to be applied for reinvestments in producing assets in the United Kingdom or completion of a disposal put option in accordance with the bond terms.
On 5 October 2022, Waldorf Energy Netherlands B.V. (“WEN”) and Dana Petroleum Limited (“Dana”) entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Dana’s Dutch business (the “Dana Transaction”). WEN confirms that the Dana Transaction did not complete and that all matters are now resolved between the parties on confidential terms. Having also previously resolved matters with Taqa Energy B.V., WEN has no further liability in respect of the Netherlands acquisitions announced on 6 October 2022.
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO
Tel. +44 1224 202850
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement was published by Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO on the date and the time referred to above.
2nd March 2023
Successful completion of USD 150 million senior secured bond issue
Waldorf Energy Finance PLC successfully completed and settled a USD 150 million 3-year senior secured amortizing bond issue with a coupon of 12%. Net proceeds from the bond issue will be used for general corporate purposes of the Waldorf group.
The bond issue received strong demand from both Nordic and international investors and was significantly oversubscribed.
ABG Sundal Collier ASA and Pareto Securities AS acted as Joint Lead Managers for the bond issue.
There are no implications for the bond issued by Waldorf Production UK PLC on 1 October 2021.
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO
Tel. +44 1224 202850
7 February 2023
Waldorf Energy Finance PLC to hold fixed income investor meetings
Waldorf Energy Finance PLC has mandated ABG Sundal Collier ASA and Pareto Securities AS as Joint Lead Managers to arrange fixed income investor meetings.
Subject to market conditions and acceptable terms, a 3-year, senior secured, bond issue of up to USD 150 million may follow. Net proceeds from the contemplated bond issue will be used for general corporate purposes of the Waldorf group.
There are no implications for the bond issued by Waldorf Production UK PLC on 1 October 2021.
For further information, please contact:
Aaditya Chintalapati, CFO
Tel. +44 1224 202850
10 November 2022
Acquisitions of Alpha Petroleum from Shorelight and UKCS business from MOL
Waldorf Production Limited (“Waldorf” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the acquisitions of Alpha Petroleum Resources Limited (“Alpha Petroleum”) from Shorelight Partners (“Shorelight”) and the UK subsidiaries comprising its entire UKCS business from MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc (“MOL”) completed on respectively 4 and 10 November 2022. The subsidiaries and assets being acquired will continue to be held by the Company after completion. There are no implications for the Nordic Bond issued by Waldorf Production UK Limited on 1 October 2021.
7 October 2022
Waldorf Production to acquire Dana and Taqa Dutch oil and gas businesses
London – 6 October 2022 – Waldorf Energy Netherlands B.V. (WEN) has entered into definitive agreements with Dana Petroleum Limited and Taqa Energy B.V. to acquire their respective upstream businesses in the Netherlands. The financial terms of the transaction are not being disclosed. The transaction remains subject to obtaining final regulatory and other third-party approvals. WEN is a wholly owned subsidiary of Waldorf Production Limited. There are no implications for the Nordic Bond issued by Waldorf Production UK PLC on 1 October 2021.
11 July 2022
Acquisition of Alpha Petroleum from Shorelight Partners
Waldorf Production Limited (“Waldorf” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding Sale and Purchase Agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of Shorelight Partners (“Shorelight”) for the acquisition of Alpha Petroleum Resources Limited (“Alpha Petroleum”).
Alpha Petroleum’s assets include a 100% working interest in the Cheviot field and an operated interest in three late life/redevelopment fields in the Southern Gas Basin. Cheviot is one of the largest undeveloped fields in the UK North Sea, with estimated contingent resources of 50 MMbbls oil and 120 bcf gas.
There are no implications for the Nordic Bond issued by Waldorf Production UK PLC on 1 October 2021.
Erik Brodahl, Chief Executive Officer of Waldorf Production said:
“We are delighted to be partnering with the Alpha team and look forward to welcoming our new colleagues to Waldorf. Cheviot provides a valuable development opportunity to supplement our existing production portfolio and will increase our contribution to the UK’s much-needed energy security.”
This announcement may contain certain forward-looking statements and information that both represent management’s current expectations or beliefs concerning future events and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that may occur in the future. There are a number of factors which could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts.
23 March 2022
Acquisition of UK subsidiaries of MOL bolster Waldorf’s UKCS reserves and production materially including doubling our Greater Catcher Area position
Waldorf Production Limited (“Waldorf” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding Sale and Purchase Agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc (“MOL”) for the acquisition of certain of MOL’s UK subsidiaries comprising their entire UKCS business. The key UKCS assets being acquired include non-operated interests of 20% in the Greater Catcher Area (“GCA”), 50% in the Scolty and Crathes fields as well as 21.83% in the Scott and 1.59% in the Telford licences. The transaction has an economic effective date of 1 January 2021, with completion currently expected in the second half of 2022. The subsidiaries and assets being acquired will continue to be held by the Company after completion. There are no implications for the Nordic Bond issued by Waldorf Production UK Limited on 1 October 2021.
Erik Brodahl, Chief Executive of Waldorf said:
“We are excited to acquire MOL’s UK portfolio and by so doing to double our stake in GCA. Pro forma for the transaction Waldorf’s 2021 production increases by c. 55% to c.34,000 boe per day and end 2020 2P reserves by almost a third from 51.6 mmboe to 67.5 mmboe.
Waldorf continues to look for further growth opportunities building on its resilient non-operated North Sea production base in the near-term.”
This announcement may contain certain forward-looking statements and information that both represent management’s current expectations or beliefs concerning future events and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that may occur in the future. There are a number of factors which could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts.
24 February 2022
Release of FY2021 Financial and Operational results
Waldorf Production UK Limited (the Company) intends to publish its FY2021 financial and operational results after market close today, Thursday 24th February.
25 November 2021 – Press Release
First Production from Columbus Field
Waldorf Production UK Limited is pleased to announce that first production was achieved from the Columbus gas condensate field on 24 November 2021. Columbus has been developed via the C1z well producing through the Arran subsea pipeline to the Shearwater platform for processing and export.
Erik Brodahl, Chief Executive of Waldorf said:
“First production from Columbus marks a milestone for Waldorf as our first gas development. I would like to thank the project team at field operator Serica Energy plc for their excellent work and perseverance to bring the Columbus development to a successful conclusion as well as our joint venture partner Tailwind Energy Ltd and the Arran and Shearwater field operators”
8 November 2021 – Press Release
Hedging Program Update
Waldorf Production UK Limited (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its planned hedging program. The Company has hedged more than 75% of forecasted oil production for the next 18 months, in-line with the previously indicated strike price as per the bond terms.
2 November 2021 – Press Release
Acquisition of non-operated interests in Catcher and Kraken from Cairn Energy PLC
Waldorf Production UK Limited (“Waldorf” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of Cairn Energy plc’s non-operated 29.5 per cent interest in Kraken and 20 per cent interest in the Greater Catcher Area licenses. The addition of the interests in Kraken and Catcher brings the average production from the Company’s assets up to circa 22,000 boe per day and increases 2P reserves to 52 million boe as of year-end 2020.
9 June 2021 – Press Release
Appointment of General Counsel and Commercial Director
Paul Tanner Joins Waldorf

Waldorf Production UK Limited (“Waldorf” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Tanner as General Counsel and Commercial Director based in the Aberdeen office headquarters.
Paul previously held the position of General Counsel and Company Secretary at Spirit Energy Limited, where he was responsible for providing legal, corporate governance and compliance support to the company’s exploration and production business in the UK, Denmark, Netherlands and Norway.
With over twenty years of experience as an international energy lawyer, Paul has worked at both top tier law firms and listed multinational companies. This includes senior legal roles with Shell and Centrica and postings in The Hague, Dubai and Aberdeen. He has a proven track record of working closely with boards and executive management teams to deliver substantial M&A deals, execute major capital projects and resolve high value disputes.
Paul began his career as a barrister in London before joining the global law firm CMS where he worked in a team supporting clients doing business in the Former Soviet Union. He is a past Chair of the Oil and Gas UK Operators Legal Committee, a qualified solicitor and holds a degree in Modern History from Oxford University.
Erik Brodahl, Chief Executive of Waldorf said:
“We are very pleased to welcome Paul to the team. He is a seasoned legal and commercial professional who brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this important new role. His appointment will strengthen our organisation in several crucial areas such as M&A, joint venture management and corporate governance.
Waldorf sees the North Sea as uniquely suited for disciplined small-cap E&P companies such as ourselves with well-managed, long-life assets available at attractive valuations. We are excited to be acquiring Cairn’s interests in the high-quality Catcher and Kraken producing fields. We continue to look for other growth opportunities in the near-term.”
9 March 2021 – Press Release
Acquisition of non-operated interests in Catcher and Kraken from Cairn Energy plc; plus farm-in to blocks 22/1B and 22/1A from Ithaca Energy Ltd
Waldorf Production Limited (“Waldorf” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a PUT and CALL Agreement with Cairn Energy plc for the acquisition of Cairn’s non-operated 29.5 per cent interest in Kraken and 20 per cent interest in the Greater Catcher Area licenses. The transaction has an economic effective date of 1 January 2020, with completion currently expected by late-2Q 2021.
Elsewhere, Waldorf has, subject to contract and board approval, agreed to acquire a 20% interest in Block 22/1b and a 15% interest in Block 22/1a from Ithaca Oil and Gas Limited. The former license contains the exciting Fotla prospect, where an exploration well is expected to be drilled in 2Q 2021.
Erik Brodahl, Chief Executive Officer of Waldorf Production said:
“We are excited to acquire Cairn’s interests in the high-quality Catcher and Kraken producing fields. This is a transformational transaction for the company, with average production from the combined company growing to c.22,000 – 25,000 boe per day and 2P reserves of 43 million boe.
We also continue our close partnership with Ithaca with the announced farm-in to the Fotla exploration well. If successful, the discovery can potentially be swiftly tied-back to the Alba oil field.
Waldorf sees the North Sea as uniquely suited for disciplined small-cap E&P companies such as ourselves with well-managed, long-life assets available at attractive valuations. We continue to look for further growth opportunities in the near-term.”
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